Eye of the Beholder

original applique patterns inspired by the world around us

Frixion Gel Pens-two colors

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Black Gel Pens.a_RS.jpg
Blue gel pen.a_RS.jpg
Use to trace.a_RS.jpg
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Frixion gel pens_all_RS.jpg
Black Gel Pens.a_RS.jpg
Blue gel pen.a_RS.jpg
Use to trace.a_RS.jpg
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Frixion Gel Pens-two colors


Frixion Gel Pens are a useful tool when doing our hand reverse applique process. They are the perfect pen for tracing your pattern onto the wrong side of your background fabric as they easily glide over the fabric. Generally we are using a light background fabric so we are using a dark pen. We have both a black and a blue pen.

The ink disappears with heat from your iron. If you expose it to heat by mistake you can put your fabric in the freezer and the markings will return. The experts say that once your quilt is washed the ink will completely wash out of the fabric.

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Some people have concerns about using the gel pens on quilts. I do not worry about using them for tracing. I’m tracing onto the wrong side of my background fabrics. I don’t worry because ultimately the tracings will be my sew line, my first round of quilting will be along that edge and that background will be inside my quilt next to the batting once my piece is completed. However, I would never mark the front of my quilt with these pens, just to be on the safe side, as they were not originally designed for use with fabric.